ATTACK: Enables a kid to initiate combat. The more skill a kid has in this ability the more they can contribute to a battle. Only boys can have this ability. Kids involved in the battle that are in the defending militia will lose 1 opinion of all kids involved in the battle that are in the attacking militia. The winner's receive an increase of 1 prestige, and the losers suffer a decrease of 1 prestige. There is also a chance that loser's will leave their current militia.
Conditions: There must be at least 1 other kid that the attacker does not consider a friend present at the household, and the kid must not be in the same militia as the attacker.
BANK: Attempts to collect debt from kids that owe the kid currency. More skill in this ability can result in larger collections.
Conditions: There must be at least 1 other kid at the household that is in debt to the banker.
BRAG: Similar to criticize action, but can be used on multiple kids at once.
Conditions: There must be at least 1 other kid at the village that has less than a 9 opinion of the bragger.
BUILD: Creates chance that a property will be converted to a shop.
Conditions: Builder must own at least 1 property at the village.
COMMEND: Creates chance that other kid will gain opinion.
Conditions: There must be at least 1 other kid at the village that has less than a 9 opinion of the kid that is commending.
COMPLAIN: This will be directed at 1 kid at the same village, other kids at the village will either agree or disagree with the complainer. If they agree they will lower their opinion of the kid the action is directed at, if they disagree they will lower their opinion of the complainer.
Conditions: There must be at least 1 other kid at the village that has less than a 9 opinion of the complainer.
CRITICIZE: The kid it is directed at will gain in opinion of the critic, if they take the criticism constructively. If not they will reduce their opinion of the critic.
Conditions: There must be at least 1 other kid at village that has less than a 9 opinion of the critic.
EXPLORE: Creates chance of finding a village if at a household, and a chance of finding a property if at a village. The more villages there are at a household the harder it is t
o find a new one. The more properties and shops there are at a village the harder it is to find a new one.
Conditions: n/a
GIFT: The kid will give another kid an amount of currency that depends on their perception of the giver, in exchange for gain in opinion.
Conditions: There must be at least 1 other kid at the village that has less than a 9 opinion of the giver, and the giver must have enough currency to give.
GOSSIP: The kid will talk behind someone's back in hopes of having other kids lose opinion of the target. If this fails they will reduce their opinion of the gossiper.
Conditions: At least 1 other kid at the household that is not in the same village in combination with at least 1 other kid in the same village that has higher than 1 opinion of the gossiper.
PRAISE: The kid will attempt to have another kid increase their opinion of the kid this action is directed at.
Conditions: At least 1 kid at the village that has less than a 9 opinion of at least 1 other kid in the household.
PRINT: The kid will print 1 denomination of their currency.
Conditions: Printer must be at their own household.
PURCHASE: The kid will attempt to purchase a shop or property.
Conditions: Sufficient funds to make the purchase, or at least 1 kid with the ability to bank that has sufficient funds that the purchaser does not already have a loan with.
RECRUIT: Attempts to get another kid to join the militia that the recruiter is a member of.
Conditions: At least 1 kid that is not in a militia must be at the village.
SLACK: NPCs may randomly roll to take this action, which doesn't do anything. There is no impact for players other than receiving this ability stops them from receiving a useful ability.
Conditions: n/a
STEAL: The kid will attempt to steal 1 type of currency from another kid.
Conditions: At least 1 kid that has at least 1 type of currency that the thief does not consider a friend.
TAX: Attempts to collect taxes from kids with properties and shops at the village. Kids taxed will reduce their opinion of the taxman.
Conditions: Kid must be the chief of the village, and there must be at least 1 kid that has at least 1 type of currency that the taxman does not consider a friend.
TRAVEL: Allows kid to travel to any household or village. Kids without the ability to travel can still go to villages in their own household.
Conditions: n/a
WORK: Contributes assets to the worker's company.
Conditions: The worker must have at least 1 property or shop at the village.