A group symbolizes an organization. Control over groups can be changed between players with the exception of the family group.

Type Description
Appointed Executive is chosen by previous executive or is elected by group members.
Covert True executive is hidden, appears as if it is a family group in profile.
Family Able to directly control characters. A player begins with a family group, and can always create one if they don't have one.
Traded Excecutive is chosen by group that possesses the most shares in the group.


Classification Description
Affiliated Able to outfit characters of group to group that sets affiliation and groups that have set affiliation for that group.
Captor Able to control characters that have surrendered to group or that group has arrested.
Executive Signifies a group that has controlling powers over another group.
Identity The group that is sovereign over lot of group's home lot.
Jurisdiction Group that has been granted legal and medical authority over another group's sovereign lots and pieces with group's identity.
Member A group that has been granted membership by another group. This potentially allows them to vote for executive of that group.


Profile Topic Purpose Public or Private
Currency View group's accepted currencies. Public.
Events Displays up to 999 of group's latest witnessed events. Private except for shareholders and identity and jurisdiction groups.
Finance Links to stakeholder information, statement and portfolio. Public.
Manage Allows executive to manage group. Private.
Pieces View group's pieces and their locations. Private.
Property Displayes all pieces owned by group. Private.


Manage Group Purpose Group Type Available For
Affiliation Add or removes ability for others to outfit their characters to group. All.
Currencies Change currencies group excepts. All.
Executive Changes executive of group. All.
Govern Modify zoning, taxes, tariffs, and add or remove jurisdiction on group's sovereign lots. All.
Member Add or remove groups that are allowed to vote for executive of group. Appointed.
Print Create a specified number of group's currency. All.