Converts a female to a gravida and assigns 1 unique random skill from the male and 1 unique random skill from the female. Only males can take this action. Both characters must have a culture to take part. Only executive of the family group of character can take this action.

Base busy seconds: 1000 * number of characters in family group of female for female if in the same culture. 10000 * number of characters in family group of male for male if in the same culture. 10000 * number of characters in family group of female for female if in different culture. 100000 * number of characters in family group of male for male if in different culture.
Danger: Slight.
Required pieces: Camp or housing. Same number of products as characters in male's family.
Required skill: n/a
Required appearance: n/a
Pollution created: Same as number of products used.
Waste created: Same as number of products used.